With John Felitto
90-Day Game Store
To play the 90-Day Game you'll also need 10 Mind Game Audio Exercises and 10 Spiritual Principles Cards – Click the PLAYERS Tab for Free Game Gear.
The 90-Day Game Book
The Game Book is the course. Laid out in a day-to-day format, makes it easy to stay on course. The 90-Day Game creates the environment to evoke your greatness through case studies, imagination, metaphor, and a rich set of tools, templates, checklists and exercises help to guide you every step of the way. Purchase includes free access to Mind Game Audio and PDF version of Game Cards.
Paperback: $17.99
The Playbook
This companion playbook includes all of the templates, checklists and exercises from the 90-Day Game Book. Forms and checklists to track your action steps and keep you on course toward your desired destination are all laid out in a helpful and orderly fashion. The perfect place to capture your responses, thoughts, insights, and epiphanies. This playbook becomes your permanent record of personal discoveries and growth.
Paperback: $8.99
Game Cards
The Top Ten Spiritual Principles for Evoking Your Greatness invites you, the player, to reflect on your motivations and actions. Each game day engages one of the values-based principles and gives consideration to how that particular principle relates to what you are experiencing, enjoying and creating within your fabulous life. They are two-sided and include recommended questions you are encouraged to reflect upon.
Principles Card Deck: $4.97
Need to Talk?
Learn the life coaching system built for the real world of ups and downs
Phone Number: 845-826-4391 / Email: Team@90DayGame.com